রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান কুইজ / Indian Polity MCQ with Answers PDF
Political GK questions with Answers PDF for SSC CGL
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Political Science Multiple Choice questions and answers PDF
1. Advantage of unitary system of governance is-
(a) More adaptability
(b) Strong state
(c) More participation by the people
(d) Less chance of authoritarianism
2. Which of the following countries has an unwritten constitution-
(a) USA
(b) UK
(c) Pakistan
(d) India
3. The Constituent Assembly which enacted the Constitution of India, its members were-
(a) Nominated by political parties
(b) Elected by the legislative assemblies of different provinces
(c) Directly elected by people
(d) Nominated by Governor General
4. How many members were in the Interim Parliament of India-
(a) 296
(b) 313
(c) 318
(d) 316
5. When was the first Central Legislative Assembly constituted-
(a) 1922
(b) 1923
(c) 1921
(d) 1920
6. The Constituent Assembly of India was constituted on the scheme of –
(a) Wavell Plan
(b) Cripps Mission
(c) August Offer
(d) Cabinet Mission
7. Which of the following acts suggested the post of Comptroller and Auditor General-
(a) Act of 1909
(b) Act of 1919
(c) Act of 1935
(d) Act of 1947
8. Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly of India-
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Dr. B.N. Rao
(d) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
9. Who was the president of the Constituent Assembly of India-
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) Lal Bahadur Shastri
10. The Indian Constitution not only imagines a democratic form of government but also imagines a democratic society because its ideology is full of-
i. Justice
ii. Liberty
iii. Equality
iv. Fraternity
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and iii
(d) i, ii, iii, and iv
11. Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution have been adopted from which of the following nations-
(a) America
(b) U.K.
(c) Soviet Russia
(d) None of these
12. Which of the following comes under the jurisdiction of the High Court and Supreme Court-
(a) Protection against the violation of the Constitution
(b) Dispute between states and center
(c) Dispute among states
(d) Protection of fundamental rights
13. How many fundamental rights were there in the beginning-
(a) Six
(b) Seven
(c) Four
(d) Five
14. In which part of the Constitution are fundamental rights enshrined-
(a) Part 2
(b) Part 1
(c) Part 4
(d) Part 3
15. Under which of the following articles can any person go to the Supreme Court in case of violation of fundamental rights-
(a) Article 32
(b) Article 28
(c) Article 29
(d) Article 31
16. Which of the following issues a writ-
(a) Any High Court
(b) Any Court
(c) District Court
(d) Administrative Tribunal
17. Under which of the following writs is a person restricted from performing any duties for which he does not have the authority-
(a) Mandamus
(b) Quo Warranto
(c) Certiorari
(d) Habeas Corpus
18. Which of the following writs is called the bulwark of personal freedom-
(a) Mandamus
(b) Habeas Corpus
(c) Quo Warranto
(d) Certiorari
19. Which of the following is the foundation of personal freedom-
(a) Mandamus
(b) Habeas Corpus
(c) Quo Warranto
(d) Certiorari
20. In which of the following situations is the Habeas Corpus writ issued-
(a) Loss of property
(b) Extra tax receipts
(c) Faulty police detention
(d) Violation of freedom of expression
21. During what period must the proclamation of emergency made by the President be approved by both houses of Parliament-
(a) Within one month
(b) Within two months
(c) Within four months
(d) Within six months
22. The Vice-President is the ex-officio chairman of-
(a) Rajya Sabha
(b) Lok Sabha
(c) Planning Commission
(d) National Development Council
23. The Vice-President is-
(a) A member of Lok Sabha
(b) A member of Rajya Sabha
(c) A member of any house
(d) Not a member of any house
24. Who completed two successive regimes as the Vice-President of India-
(a) S. Radhakrishnan
(b) V.V. Giri
(c) B.D. Jatti
(d) M. Hidayatullah
25. Who held the post of Vice-President for two successive tenures-
(a) Dr. Radhakrishnan
(b) R. Venkataraman
(c) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma
(d) V.V. Giri
26. How many members can be nominated for both houses of Parliament by the President?
(a) 16
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2014)
27. The President of India is an integral part of -
(a) Parliament
(b) Lok Sabha
(c) Rajya Sabha
(d) Council of Ministers
(SSC Higher Secondary Level Exam 2014)
28. How many members of the Anglo-Indian community can be nominated to Parliament by the President?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) Depends on the President’s will
(SSC Stenographer Grade D Exam 2005)
29. If the Anglo-Indian community does not have enough representation in Lok Sabha, two members can be nominated by -
(a) Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(d) President in discussion with Parliament
(SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2011)
30. According to the Indian Constitution, a central minister will hold his post at the will of -
(a) President of India
(b) Prime Minister of India
(c) Parliament
(d) Supreme Court
(SSC Matric Level Exam 2008)
31. India has adopted the parliamentary form of government from -
(a) American Constitution
(b) Russian Constitution
(c) British Constitution
(d) Swiss Constitution
(SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2013)
32. From where have we borrowed the parliamentary form of government?
(a) Russia
(b) Ireland
(c) Britain
(d) America
(SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2015)
33. What is the name of the upper house of the Indian Parliament?
(a) Senate
(b) Rajya Sabha
(c) House of Lords
(d) Legislative Assembly
(SSC CGL Tier 1 2015)
34. What is the maximum gap period between two sessions of Parliament?
(a) 4 months
(b) 6 months
(c) 8 months
(d) 9 months
(SSC CGL Exam 2000, 2004)
35. Rajya Sabha is dissolved -
(a) After every five years
(b) After every six years
(c) On the advice of the Prime Minister
(d) None of these
(SSC CPO Exam 2008)
36. Which of the following is not correct?
(a) A person should have completed the age of 30 years to be elected as a member of Rajya Sabha
(b) A person should have completed the age of 25 years to be elected as a member of Lok Sabha
(c) A person should have completed the age of 21 years to be elected as a member of the State Legislative Assembly
(d) A person eligible to vote in Panchayat elections should have completed the age of 18 years
(SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2011)
37. Name the two temporary houses of the Indian Parliamentary structure.
(a) Rajya Sabha and Legislative Assembly
(b) Lok Sabha and Legislative Council
(c) Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council
(d) Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly
(SSC Multi-Tasking Exam 2014)
38. The minimum age for a member of Rajya Sabha is -
(a) 25 years
(b) 21 years
(c) 30 years
(d) 35 years
(SSC CGL Exam 1999, SSC CPO Exam 2007)
39. Who presides over the joint sitting of Parliament?
(a) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(b) Senior-most member of Parliament
(c) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(d) President of India
(SSC Matric Level Exam 2002)
40. The committee which examines the audit report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is -
(a) Estimates Committee
(b) Consultative Committee
(c) Public Accounts Committee
(d) None of these
(SSC CPO Exam 2009)
41. Who chairs the meetings of the Council of Ministers?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Cabinet Secretary
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(SSC Matric Level Exam 2008)
42. What is the minimum age for the post of Prime Minister of India?
(a) 18
(b) 21
(c) 25
(d) 35
(SSC Metric Level Exam 2008)
43. Who is the chairman of the Planning Commission?
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Finance Minister
(d) Vice-President
(SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam 2011)
44. The powers in India are vested in -
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Both Central and State Governments
(d) Local Government
(SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2011)
45. In parliamentary democracy, "He is the first among all." Who is he?
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Leader of Opposition
(d) Chairman of Lower House
(SSC Data Entry Operator Exam 2009)
46. Who said, "The Prime Minister is first in all"?
(a) Marley
(b) Harcourt
(c) Laski
(d) Lowell
(SSC CGL Tier 1 2014)
47. Who gave the idea of "Cabinet Dictatorship"?
(a) Muir
(b) Lowell
(c) Marriot
(d) Laski
(SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2014)
48. Who referred to the Cabinet system as the "Steering wheel of the ship of state"?
(a) Lowell
(b) Muir
(c) Marriot
(d) Bagehot
(SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam 2014)
49. In India, the Prime Minister can hold his post as long as he has -
(a) Support of the armed forces
(b) Confidence of Rajya Sabha
(c) Confidence of Lok Sabha
(d) Support of the people
(SSC CGL Exam 2006)
50. What is the tenure of the Prime Minister of India?
(a) Tenure of Lok Sabha
(b) Tenure of President
(c) Till he has the majority support in Lok Sabha
(d) Five years
(SSC CGL Exam)
51. What is the tenure of the Vice-President of India?
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) 7 years
52. Who was the first Vice-President of India?
(a) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(b) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(c) V.V. Giri
(d) G.S. Pathak
53. The Supreme Court of India was established in which year?
(a) 1947
(b) 1949
(c) 1950
(d) 1952
54. How many judges, including the Chief Justice, are there in the Supreme Court of India (as per the latest amendment)?
(a) 30
(b) 31
(c) 33
(d) 34
55. What is the minimum age required to become a judge of the Supreme Court?
(a) 40 years
(b) 45 years
(c) No minimum age
(d) 50 years
56. Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Parliament
(d) Law Minister
57. Under which article of the Indian Constitution is the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review mentioned?
(a) Article 32
(b) Article 136
(c) Article 226
(d) Article 368
58. The concept of judicial review in the Indian Constitution has been borrowed from which country?
(a) UK
(b) USA
(c) France
(d) Canada
59. The power of Judicial Review in India is used to ensure-
(a) Supremacy of Parliament
(b) Supremacy of Constitution
(c) Supremacy of Executive
(d) Supremacy of Judiciary
60. Which of the following is a source of revenue for the Gram Panchayat?
(a) Land revenue
(b) Income tax
(c) Professional tax
(d) House tax
61. Which of the following is not a feature of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Parliamentary system
(b) Presidential system
(c) Federal system with unitary bias
(d) Independent Judiciary
62. What is the minimum age required to contest Lok Sabha elections in India?
(a) 18 years
(b) 21 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 30 years
63. Who presides over the Rajya Sabha in the absence of the Vice-President?
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(c) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(d) Chief Justice of India
64. The term of Lok Sabha is-
(a) 4 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 6 years
(d) 3 years
65. Who is considered as the ‘Guardian of the Indian Constitution’?
(a) Parliament
(b) Prime Minister
(c) President
(d) Supreme Court
66. Under which schedule of the Indian Constitution are the official languages recognized?
(a) 6th Schedule
(b) 7th Schedule
(c) 8th Schedule
(d) 9th Schedule
67. Which article of the Indian Constitution grants special status to Jammu & Kashmir (now abrogated)?
(a) Article 352
(b) Article 370
(c) Article 356
(d) Article 365
68. Who administers the oath of office to the President of India?
(a) Vice-President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Chief Justice of India
(d) Speaker of Lok Sabha
69. The National Emergency in India can be declared on which of the following grounds?
(a) War
(b) External aggression
(c) Armed rebellion
(d) All of the above
70. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the abolition of untouchability?
(a) Article 14
(b) Article 15
(c) Article 17
(d) Article 21
71. Who is the final interpreter of the Indian Constitution?
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Supreme Court
(d) Parliament
72. Which fundamental right is considered the ‘Heart and Soul’ of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Right to Equality
(b) Right to Freedom
(c) Right to Constitutional Remedies
(d) Right to Education
73. The Election Commission of India is responsible for conducting elections of-
(a) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(b) State Legislative Assemblies
(c) President and Vice-President
(d) All of the above
74. The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) in the Indian Constitution has been borrowed from-
(a) USA
(b) Ireland
(c) Canada
(d) Germany
75. Which of the following amendments introduced the anti-defection law in India?
(a) 42nd Amendment
(b) 44th Amendment
(c) 52nd Amendment
(d) 61st Amendment
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