অষ্টম শ্রেণীর প্রথম ইউনিট টেস্টের ইংরেজি বিষয়ের প্রশ্নপত্র ২০২৫ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর
Class 8 English 1st Unit Test Question 2025
অষ্টম শ্রেণীর ছাত্রছাত্রীদের প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন (Class 8 1st Unit Test Question Paper Engreji) ইংরেজি বিষয়ের Reading Comprehension Seen,Text Based Grammar & Vocabulary And Text based Writing Skill পর্যন্ত পরীক্ষা হবে। তাই এই অধ্যায় গুলি থেকে প্রশ্ন পত্র(Ostom Shrenir English Proshnopotro Uttorsoho) তৈরী করা হয়েছে। তোমাদের প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন(English Proshno 2025) 30 নম্বরের হবে যেখানে নির্ধারিত সময় 60 মিনিট।
অষ্টম শ্রেণীর প্রথম পর্যায় ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন ইংরেজি বিষয়ের মডেল প্রশ্নপত্র 2025
Class 8 English 1st unit test question 2025 pdf
Model Set – 1
1st Summative Evaluation 2025 । প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন 2025
বিষয় - ইংরেজি । পূর্ণমান - 30। সময় - 60 মিনিট
Reading Skill (Seen)
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
"Since you put me on your head like a hat to keep me safe, I shall give you a different kind of cap in return, the kind sailors most desire. A cap full of wind. But there's one warning, no human hand will ever be able to take it off" Then with a blink, the fairy man disappeared leaving a striped cap behind. Young Jon put the cap on his head and ran home to tell his mother.
"No good will come of the wind cap," she said. But the lad would have none of her cautions. The very next day, putting on the sailor's cap, he ran off to the sea. On seeing a ship anchored near the shore, he requested the captain to take him along. Thus began his first ever sea voyage!
A. State whether the following statements are true or false. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements in the boxes on the right-hand side: 1 × 6 = 6
(i) Jon was given a unique cap. - True
(ii) The fairy man was thankful. - True
(iii) Only Jon would be able to take the cap off. - False
(iv) No one desires a wind cap. - False
(v) The cap was given for Jon's good work. - True
(vi) The cap had stripes. - True
B. Answer the following questions: 2 x 2 = 4
(i) Why was Jon given a wind cap?
Answers:- Jon was given a wind cap as a reward for keeping the fairy man safe by placing him on his head like a hat.
(ii) What was the warning to Jon by his mother?
Answers:- Jon’s mother warned him that no good would come from the wind cap.
Grammar and Vocabulary
2. Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous or Future Perfect Tense of the verbs given in brackets: 1 x 4 = 4
(i) Father ____________(reach) Mumbai by 7 o'clock tomorrow.
Answers: - will have reached
(ii) My uncle ____________(visit) us next month.
Answers: - will be visiting
(iii) We ___________(wait) for two hours before father entered our room.
Answers: - had been waiting
(iv) The baby is ill. She _________(cry) for 20 minutes.
Answers: - has been crying
3. Add prefix or suffix to the words given in the brackets and complete the sentences given below: 1 x 3 = 3
(i) You should not __________(courage) your friends in problem.
Answers: - discourage
(ii) Our journey was _______(comfort).
Answers: - uncomfortable
(iii) All of his demands are __________(reasonable).
Answers: - unreasonable
Read More : - Class 8 Enviroment & Sceince First Unit Test Question Paper 2025 in Bengali। প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন প্রশ্নপত্র 2025
4. Fill in the blanks with the adjectives given in the brackets in their proper degree : 1 x 3 = 3
(i) Soham is the _______(cute) boy in the class.
Answers: - cutest
(ii) Ankan is ________(naughty) than Debashish.
Answers: - naughtier
(iii) Nobody is as ______(cool) as Farhan.
Answers: - cool
Writing Skill
5. Write a story using the following hints. 10
[Hints: Two friends passing through a forest - a bear appeared in front of them - they got afraid - one climbed up a tree - the other unable - helpless - had an idea - lay down like a dead body - bear came - thought the boy to be dead - went away - both safe.]
Answers: -
The Clever Friend
Two friends were once passing through a dense forest. As they were walking, suddenly a huge bear appeared in front of them. Both of them got very scared. One of the friends, who knew how to climb trees, quickly climbed up a nearby tree to save himself. However, the other friend did not know how to climb.
Finding himself helpless, he thought of a clever idea. He had heard that bears do not attack dead bodies. So, he quickly lay down on the ground and held his breath, pretending to be dead. The bear came near him, sniffed his face, and thought he was lifeless. Believing the boy to be dead, the bear went away.
After the bear left, the friend on the tree climbed down and asked, "What did the bear whisper in your ear?" The other friend replied, "The bear told me never to trust a friend who leaves you in danger."
Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Class 8 English First Unit Test Question 2025
Model Set – 2
8th class english Unit Test । প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন 2025
বিষয় - ইংরেজি । পূর্ণমান - 30। সময় - 60 মিনিট
Reading Skill (Seen)
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Subhas had cabled Akbar Shah to meet him at Calcutta. Akbar Shah was a co-worker in the freedom struggle against British Raj. He operated in the north-western frontier provinces. He was to help Subhas escape.
Akbar Shah came to Calcutta. He was introduced to Sisir. Together they went to a shop in Central Calcutta where they purchased baggy shalwars (trousers) and a black fez for Subhas's disguise. Later, Sisir also purchased a suitcase, a bedroll, shirts and pillows. Subhas was to carry these with him in the journey. Sisir then went to a printer's shop. He ordered a set of calling cards which read: 'Muhammad Ziauddin, Travelling Inspector, the Empire of India Life Insurance Co Ltd'. This was the false identity with which Subhas was to travel.
A. Answer the following questions: 1 x 4 = 4
(i) Who was Akbar Shah?
Answer: - Akbar Shah was a co-worker in the freedom struggle against British rule.
(ii) Which name did Subhas take in his disguise?
Answer: - Subhas took the name "Muhammad Ziauddin" in his disguise.
(iii) What was the real identity of Muhammad Ziauddin ?
Answer: - "Muhammad Ziauddin" was a false identity created for Subhas to help him escape.
(iv) What items were purchased for Subhas to be carried with him on his journey?
Answer: - A suitcase, a bedroll, shirts, pillows, baggy shalwars, and a black fez were purchased for Subhas.
B. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers: 2×2=4
(i) The items of clothing for Subhas's disguise were purchased from a shop in South Kolkata.
Supporting statement:
Answer: - (F)
Supporting statement: "Together they went to a shop in Central Calcutta where they purchased baggy shalwars and a black fez."
(ii) Sisir then went to the bank and ordered a set of credit cards.
Supporting statement:
Answer: - (F)
Supporting statement: "Sisir then went to a printer's shop. He ordered a set of calling cards which read: 'Muhammad Ziauddin, Travelling Inspector, the Empire of India Life Insurance Co Ltd'."
C. Complete the following sentence with information from the text:
Akbar was cabled _________________________________________।
Answer: - to meet Subhas at Calcutta.
D. Find words from the above passage which mean the following:
(i) Regions:
Answer: - Provinces
(ii) Border:
Answer: - Frontier
Grammar and Vocabulary
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and prepositions :
Kolkata is the capital _____West Bengal. city stands ______the bank _______the river Hooghly.
Answer: - of,on,of
Read More : - Class 8 Bengali First Unit Test Question Paper 2025 in Bengali। প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন প্রশ্নপত্র 2025
3. Do as directed: (Any seven)
(i) No other mountain is so high as Mt Everest. [Rewrite the sentence using superlative degree]
Answer: - Mt Everest is the highest mountain.
(ii) I ____read the novel by next week. [Fill in the blank using future perfect tense]
Answer: - I will have read the novel by next week.
(iii) It was _______(comfort) journey as I got a place to sit. [Add a suitable suffix to the word given in the brackets and fill in the blank]
Answer: - It was a comfortable journey as I got a place to sit.
(iv) Raja is not afraid to speak the truth. [Underline the infinitive in the given sentence]
Answer: - Raja is not afraid to speak the truth.
(v) The performers _____ (sing) since evening. [Fill in the blank with present perfect continuous tense]
Answer: - The performers have been singing since evening.
(vi). The Rajdhani Express runs _____(fast) than most other Indian trains.[Fill in the blank with the given adjective in its proper degree]
Answer: - The Rajdhani Express runs faster than most other Indian trains.
(vii) India became an _______(dependent) nation in 1947. [Add suitable prefix or suffix to the word given in brackets and fill in the blank]
Answer: - India became an independent nation in 1947.
(viii) Make meaningful sentence of your own with the word 'Season'.
Answer: - Winter is my favorite season because I love the cold weather.
Writing Skill
4. Develop the following hints into a story and give a suitable title to it : 5
[Hints: A little boy's birthday - received money from uncle as gift - went to buy toys - on the way saw a beggar - pale and hungry - boy's heart melted - gave all money to him - found a new joy.]
Answer: - True Joy of Giving
It was a little boy’s birthday, and he was overjoyed when his uncle gifted him some money. He decided to buy toys with it and happily walked towards the toy shop.
On his way, he saw a beggar sitting on the roadside. The beggar looked pale and weak, his eyes filled with hunger and sadness. The little boy’s heart melted. Instead of buying toys, he gave all his money to the beggar. The beggar blessed him with tears of gratitude in his eyes.
The boy did not regret his decision. Instead, he felt a new kind of happiness he had never experienced before—the joy of giving!
Moral: Kindness brings the greatest happiness.
5. Develop a story from the following hints. Also add a suitable title to it. : 5
[Hints: A slave in Rome - Androcles - Emperor ordered to arrest him - Androcles fled - took shelter in a forest - a lion with pain in its right paw-thorn - Androcles took it out - Androcles caught by Emperor's men - thrown into a cage of a hungry lion - it licked his foot and fawned on him.]
Answer: - Androcles and the Grateful Lion
Once, there was a slave named Androcles in Rome. The Emperor ordered his arrest, but Androcles managed to escape and took shelter in a dense forest.
One day, he saw a lion groaning in pain. He noticed a big thorn stuck in the lion’s right paw. Androcles bravely removed the thorn and bandaged the wound. The lion, instead of attacking, licked his hand in gratitude.
Later, Androcles was captured by the Emperor’s men and thrown into a cage with a hungry lion. To everyone’s surprise, the lion did not attack him but instead licked his feet and fawned on him. It was the same lion Androcles had helped. The Emperor was amazed at this act of loyalty and set Androcles free.
Moral: Kindness is always rewarded.
Class 8 english 1st unit test question 2025 pdf term 2
Model Set – 3
8th class english Unit Test । প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন 2025
বিষয় - ইংরেজি । পূর্ণমান - 30। সময় - 60 মিনিট
Reading Skill (Seen)
1. Read the following text and answer the questions given below:
"Oh, let me go ashore just for one day," he begged the captain when they had sighted land. He promised he would return but the captain was unmoved. However, Jon could not stop dreaming of the land.
One quiet afternoon, he lay fast asleep and fell to dreaming again. Unknown to him, the ship stood offshore from his old farm. In Jon's dream the seasons turned rapidly and as each turned, so did Jon in his bed. Consequently, the cap on his head twisted round and about. It called up a squall from the clear sky that hit the ship without a warning.
The wind had been whirling about the boat tearing the sails and snapping the spars. "It's his fault," the sailors cried. They shouted in anger and fear and tried to rip the cap off his head.
A. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements in the given boxes. Give suitable supporting statements for each answer: 2 x 2 = 4
(i) The captain allowed Jon to go home just for one day.
Supporting statement:
Answers: - [F]
Supporting statement: "He begged the captain when they had sighted land. He promised he would return but the captain was unmoved."
(ii) The sudden, strong wind came from a dark, evening sky.
Supporting statement:
Answers: - [F]
Supporting statement: "It called up a squall from the clear sky that hit the ship without a warning."
B. Answer the following questions: (Any four) 1 x 4 = 4
(i) How did the squall damage the boat?
Answer: The squall tore the sails and snapped the spars of the boat.
(ii) Who is 'he' in the above passage?
Answer: 'He' refers to Jon.
(iii) Why does he wish to go ashore?
Answer: He longed for the land and could not stop dreaming about it.
(iv) "The captain was unmoved" - Explain in your own words.
Answer: The captain was strict and did not allow Jon to leave the ship, despite his requests.
(v) Give another word for 'promise'.
Answer: Assurance.
(vi) Where is 'he' then?
Answer: He is on a ship, dreaming about the land.
2. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:
From the earth's loosened mould
The sapling draws its sustenance, and thrives;
Though stricken to the heart with winter's cold,
The drooping tree revives.
The softly-warbled song
Comes from the pleasant woods, and coloured wings
Glance quick in the bright sun, that moves along
The forest openings.
A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives: 1 x 2 = 2
(i) The sapling draws its food and drink from -
(a) flowers,
(b) fruits,
(c) soil,
(d) air.
Answers: - (c) soil
(ii) The sweet song comes from
(a) flowing river,
(b) pleasant woods,
(c) high-mountains,
(d) all of these.
Answers: - (b) pleasant woods,
B. Complete the following sentence with information from the poem :
The sapling's heart is stricken with __________।
Answers: - winter's cold
Reading Skill (Unseen)]
3. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
ST Coleridge was one of the few great Romantic Poets of English Literature. He was lazy but a voracious reader. Together with William Wordsworth, he published in 1798 a thin volume of poems entitled 'Lyrical Ballads' which turned the course of English poetry. The two poets moved to the lake islands to live near Southey and Scott, the other two Romantic poets and to enjoy the beauty of simple nature. Later they were called the 'Lake Poets'. Coleridge composed only a few poems - but almost all of those are still considered to be great and enjoyed by scholars and common readers. 'Christabel', 'Kubla Khan', 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' - are his most famous poems. Later in life, Coleridge delivered important lectures on other poets. His 'Notes on Shakespeare' is an exceptional criticism on the works of the dramatist.
A. Answer the following questions: 1 x 2 = 2
(i) Who wrote 'Lyrical Ballads'?
Answer: William Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge.
(ii) Which poems made Coleridge famous?
Answer: 'Christabel', 'Kubla Khan', and 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'.
B. Complete the following sentences with information from the above text: 0 .5 x 2 = 1
(i) A body of water that is surrounded by land is called _________________।
Answer: - a lake
(ii) Engaging in an activity with great eagerness or enthusiasm is called _______________।
Answer: - voracious
Grammar and Vocabulary
4. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in brackets: 1 x 2 = 2
(i) I _________(climb) this mountain for over two hours.
Answers: - have been climbing
ii) He _______ (spend) too much money in recent years..
Answers: - has spent
5. Do as directed: 1 x 4 = 4
(i) Cut your hair like a schoolboy. [Change the voice]
Answer: Let your hair be cut like a schoolboy.
(ii) I heard the sweet song. A bird was singing. [Rewrite using infinitive]
Answer: I heard a bird sing a sweet song.
(iii) I must go before I sleep. [Join using participle]
Answer: I must go before sleeping.
(iv) They are playing in the field for an hour before mother called them. [Correct the sentence]
Answer: They had been playing in the field for an hour before mother called them.
Writing Skill
6. Write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed your school picnic that took place recently. 5
[Your Address]
Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope you are doing well. I am writing to tell you about our amazing school picnic last week. We went to [Picnic Spot Name], a beautiful place surrounded by nature. We played games, sang songs, and enjoyed delicious food. The best part was boating and exploring the greenery. Our teachers also joined in the fun. It was a memorable day, and I wish you were there with us!
Take care and write soon.
Your friend,
[Your Name]
Or, write a pragraph in about seventy words on the famous Bengali Writer Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay.
Answer: Bibhutibhusan Bandyopadhyay was a legendary Bengali writer, best known for his novel Pather Panchali, which later became a famous film by Satyajit Ray. Born in 1894, he wrote about rural Bengal with deep emotion and realism. His works like Aparajito and Aranyak depict the beauty of nature and human struggles. His storytelling and descriptive style continue to inspire readers and writers. He remains one of Bengal’s greatest literary figures.
7. Write a paragraph on your pet. 5
Answer: I have a pet cat named Misty. She is a fluffy, white cat with bright blue eyes. Misty loves to play with a ball and often runs around the house chasing it. She enjoys eating fish and taking long naps in the sunlight. Whenever I feel sad, she sits beside me, purring softly. Misty is not just a pet; she is my best friend. I love her very much.
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